This chapter provides an overview of arts-based research (ABR), an innovative approach to scholarly work that breaks out of the quantitative versus qualitative research paradigm by using the practice and performance of the arts as a vehicle for exploring complex research topics. For dance students, ABR has the potential to bridge areas of learning within a student’s dance education, including choreography, performance, and research. It can also help students apply dance knowledge and skills to research questions beyond the field of dance. This chapter discusses strategies for utilizing dance choreography and improvisation within the analysis phase of the research design. Potential research topics, sample abstracts, and links to dances created using ABR methods are included. See Figure 7.1. <italic>The power of walking together</italic> (Moffett, <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref24">2016</xref>)

Choreography: A. T. Moffett. Photo credit: Dan Dunlap.
