This chapter provides the potential of employing DisHuman manifesto for the development of critical disability studies and in the future. ProjectDisHuman is a collective of people who are committed to rethinking the category of the human through disability. Technological progress can therefore be associated with the ubiquity of disability categories, because in many ways technology pursues disability and creates disability categories through its practices. Disability has the potential to rethink the human – to contemplate human extension. Disability has always demanded attention to the relational, intimate and human. Disability disavows the human and thus creates the DisHuman condition. A DisHuman life is one that lives with movement and friction, a contradictory life moving across what might be seen as the boundaries of incompatible positions. A DisHuman manifesto calls for a shifting epistemology – a move across, between and within given epistemic anchors – resulting in a very postmodern, indeed, a posthuman condition.