The Wellness Now Coalition, supported by the Oklahoma City-County Health Department, is a community-led coalition that serves as the central point of planning from which partners work collectively to develop data-driven priorities, goals and objectives. The coalition has been in existence since 2010 and has more than 250 members and partners. Every three years a comprehensive community assessment process is conducted; the National Association of County and City Health Officials’ Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships model (MAPP) is used for this process. Upon completion of four assessments (community health status, community themes and strengths, local public health system, and forces of change), priorities are identified. The coalition is comprised of eight work groups addressing priority areas identified by the community, through the aforementioned data-informed process. Priority areas include tobacco use prevention, nutrition and physical activity, worksite wellness, mental health and addiction recovery, adolescent health, care coordination, faith-based wellness, and equity.