The objective of this book has been to draw attention to knowledge production as a salient political component of the governance of urban sustainability transitions. Drawing on insights from the chapters presented in this book, we review the main characteristics of this knowledge politics perspective and the contribution our collective work makes to advancing urban transition governance. The contributors to this book have demonstrated how a variety of apparently mundane devices and methods configure everyday knowledge production and therefore constitute a central political component of urban governance. Knowledge production contributes to defining and institutionalising political rationalities by rendering urban systems visible in the guise of particular boundaries, relations and temporalities. While the extant transitions literature focuses mainly on radical visions and experimentation as relevant governance techniques, we argue that everyday knowledge production should be recognised as an important component of urban transition governance. Configuring new ways of knowing has the potential to make new pathways to sustainability visible and may serve to displace the power relations embedded in institutionalised political rationalities that govern the governance of urban systems.