This chapter concludes The Far Right and the Environment: Politics, Discourse and Communication. It does so by offering, first, a look back at key themes across the various contributions to this edited volume, pointing to patterns and recurring puzzles. These include the effect of ‘ideological stance’ (more or less ‘extreme’) of far-right actors and how it is related to environmental protection; the tensions between different priorities, often resulting in environmental concerns taking a backseat; a focus on predominantly sceptical attitude towards climate change; and the presence of a populist style in far-right environmental communication. Second, the chapter highlights a series of directions to explore, directions which emerge against the background of findings presented in this book. These include a selection of specific topics, but also, more generally, a closer look at contexts, genres in which the far right performs, a wide range of comparisons, and the utilisation of a broader array of methods of data collection and analysis.