Haraway describes the cyborg as hybrid constellations of organism and cybernetic apparatus resembling the hybrid actors of Latour. In her definition, however, she emphasizes the cybernetic feature as follows: cyborg exists when two kinds of boundaries are simultaneously problematic: that between animals (or other organism) and humans, and that between self-controlled, self-governing machines (automatons) and organisms, especially humans. Human and machine are accordingly in processual interaction with each other, meaning that both system components should benefit from one another. It is this mutual benefit between the techno-cerebral subject and the (neuro) scientific-technical system. When the brain machine interfaces system is based on the cybernetic principle of circularity, so that human (brain) and machine perform techno-cerebral actions in an iterative IPO loop, these are moments of human-machine symbiosis. The return of bio-technical form to the morphological wholeness was made possible by the fact that the stabilization or fixing processes involved reversible adaptation of biological and technical elements.