This chapter focuses on bicultural training opportunities for TP staff through Maori activities. TP offers several Maori language classes ranging from beginners to advanced speakers to their staff. Every Maori activity at TP is a ‘staged performance’; each providing a ‘contact zone’ where indigenous and non-indigenous staff members interact with each other to a greater or lesser degree. However, there is a small number of Maori staff who do attends the classes at TP and speak very positively of the Pakeha teacher. The classes and mini-courses are very useful for the everyday use of greetings and phrases at TP as well as in e-mails and on the telephone. The Maori activities are therefore excellent places to build ‘communities of practice’ across TP where staff can collaborate and learn from each other. TP through the taonga puoro group has played an important part in the revitalisation and rejuvenation of the ancient art form which also has potential to restore hauora.