This chapter begins, on the Southern world GENE circulation, with the image of Muchineripi rock, which was the focus for the Chinyika community gathering and an image of its stability, solidity and permanence. It considers three conceptions of community-based economic effecting. These come from the work of Bernard Stiegler, Murray Bookchin and Abdullah Ocalan. The communal organisation of contemporary economic life, for Stiegler, rests in the ability of cultures to subordinate the economic to the spiritual labour and time of artistic creation. Ocalan's principles are enshrined in the model of democratic confederalism, which he has developed from Bookchin's libertarian municipalism. The point of Ocalan's conception of democratic confederalism is to systematically dismantle the state apparatus and economic forms of property ownership, piece-by-piece, in the direction of broadening the participation of every member of the commune, until the community arrives at genuine local decision-making.