Grief is a normal and natural reaction to loss. When understanding issues of grief and loss, it is important to first understand that grief can manifest differently for everyone. Every individual grieves in her/his own unique way. Children and adolescents need constant care, attention, insight, and love so that they can feel safe to express themselves and grow in a holistic manner. This chapter covers a few different types of grief and loss. Ambiguous loss has impacted many children and adolescents. This type of loss can be especially detrimental and in need of attention and consideration. Anticipatory grief describes the loss before it happens. The most common example of anticipatory grief is when a loved one has a severe sickness or some form of terminal illness. Complicated grief includes persistent or unsuccessful grieving, and may also include similar symptoms such as anticipation, avoidance, and/or disturbance. Delayed grief describes grief and loss feelings that occur later than one might expect.