Error Analysis was a fruitful methodology in the 1970s to study the errors made by learners when acquiring a second language. In the first stage, the error-tagging system and the error annotation type are selected. One of the first decisions to make is what error-tagging system to use to error-tag a learner corpus. The recommended error-tagging system is the one that comes with an error-tagging manual. Advances have been made to automatize error identification and correction in learner language. The information contained in the error-tagging ship’s log is validated throughout the error-tagging process. This chapter discusses two methodological decisions that are to be made before starting the error-tagging process: full error-tagging and problem-oriented error-tagging. The number of error-tagged learner corpora is increasing nowadays, with more attention being paid to oral learner language and target languages other than English. The description of error-tagging systems should include information on the learner corpora in which they have been used.