The United States emerged as a global superpower and after the end of the Cold War, it was widely considered to be the only remaining superpower in a complex age of new globalization processes. For British historian Eric Hobsbawm, the 20th century is a short one in comparison to the “long 19th century,” which began with the French Revolution in 1789 and ended with the beginning of World War I in 1914. Although the US was the only remaining superpower after the collapse of the Soviet Union, its geopolitical dominance is vanishing. The first inter-American threshold in the 20th century is marked by the success of the Mexican Revolution, probably best expressed in the new Mexican constitution and the US-American entry into World War I in the year 1917. In 1946, the US Army School of the Americas , located in the US-controlled Panama Canal Zone, was founded in order to instruct the armed forces of Latin America.