This chapter interrogates the effect of heteropatriarchy on #FeesMustFall (#FMF). It does so through a qualitative analysis and interpretation of data collected from primarily black queer “fallists” in the movement. This is contextualized through a retelling of their stories in interviews where black queer “fallists” reflect on the movement and the meaning of their presence in relation to their heterosexual male counterparts. #FeesMustFall was a widespread student-led movement in South Africa that came as result of growing frustration by students nation-wide regarding yet another fee increment. Besides Prishani Naidoo’s understanding of hallucinations, other thoughts on the #FMF help contextualize internal debates and politics and external perception of the movement. One cannot ignore the salience of race in the debate over the validity of the #FMF protests as it was core to the rhetoric of the movement. The topic of intersectionality was brought up during discussions and a fight broke out between the “fallists.”