Craft enterprises introduce e-business applications mainly for two reasons. Firstly, they have to meet business requirements of large customers, who increasingly apply e-business solutions for more and more business processes with their suppliers. Secondly, e-business solutions might lead to mid-term and long-term reductions of costs. The implementation of e-business procedures requires restructuring of office work in craft enterprises. The main objective of the Air-Craft project was to develop the Airbus e-business application in a way that the work organization in the SMEs was improved — or at minimum not worsened. The Kooperationsstelle Hamburg performed a survey in craft enterprises. The survey conducted in the period from June to December 2002. In the first one, the managing directors of the 25 craft enterprises were personally interviewed. The second survey concerned the employees and was focused on work content, individual experiences in using ESP and catalogue systems and stress situations as well as on job-related qualifications and the qualification demands.