This chapter highlights and discusses critically some aspects of the national studies with special reference to a typology of countries, a typology of migration pathways, and a typology of migration regimes. It draws some comparative readings of the trends and issues currently characterizing European Union (EU) migration patterns, while also pointing out some of the most marked differences. The chapter distinguishes between old hosts, recent hosts, countries in transition, small island countries and non-immigration countries. It identifies eight main migration pathways: the pathway of co-ethnics and returnees, the colonial and post-colonial pathway, the pre-1989 internal migration pathway, the labour migration pathway, the asylum-seeking pathway, the pathway of temporary and seasonal migration, the 'gold-collar' pathway and the pathway of irregular migration. A comparative examination of immigrant integration practices regarding naturalization regimes, the granting of local voting rights and the extent of immigrant participation in the civic and political life of the host countries presents a rather disjointed picture.