Supportive Housing Contexts and Educational Opportunities for Foster Youth Transitioning Out of Care: This paper focuses on research conducted during a 2-year study identifying the housing needs of youth with experience in the child welfare system who are transitioning to adulthood. Informed by Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory applied to issues of integration into the adult community, our research team identified gaps affecting youth leaving the foster care system. A mixed-methods approach included empirical evidence, literature reviews, group interviews, case analyses of agency data, and youth surveys. Recommendations include smaller caseloads with staff serving as coaches rather than case managers, support for youth in identifying housing availability, and interventions tailored to each youth. A network of housing modes with on-site resources, ongoing preparation for adult living, and a stronger circle of support in communities and institutions outside the foster care system can alleviate housing instability. Policy recommendations are included to prevent housing crises and homelessness. Keywords: foster youth, housing, foster care, preparation for adult living, homeless