The primary actors in nonviolent conflict transformation are not states, nongovernmental organizations, or intergovernmental organizations. The norm and the law have been changed but the result is persistent violence done to the thousands of people through the death-in-life experience of solitary confinement. This transformation, without transformation, is assisted by the development of the technologies of control and incarceration. By contrast, Tolstoy emphasized the moral transformation of individuals in accordance with the “law of love” and rejected the state as organized violence and oppression and an obstacle to the unity of humankind. The Salt March is an example of an activity open to all and offering an opportunity to the poorest to exercise freedom by combating the British tax laws that prevented them from attaining salt at a reasonable price. The norm and the law have been changed but the result is persistent violence done to the thousands of people through the death-in-life experience of solitary confinement.