This chapter introduces the authors as transdisciplinary research (TR) partners with a long-standing history of working together. In this introductory chapter, the overall purpose and organization of the book are discussed. The agenda is set. The intent is to provide support for TR approaches in language assessment validation. Arguably, transdisciplinary approaches are required if complex assessment problems are to be addressed. One such intractable problem is context in language assessment. In spite of decades of research, mono-disciplinary approaches to validity arguments have not adequately addressed the consequences of assessment in contexts of use. The Introduction and Part I of the book lay a foundation for readers from an array of disciplines, fields and sub-fields concerned with language assessment who share a common interest in language assessment. Parts II and III provide examples of TR in practice. Such research is essential if the applicability gap between assessment-centred and language-centred researchers and the problems of context in language assessment are to be addressed.