Advanced School of Industrial Design (ESDI) Aberta, a movement of political pedagogy, took place in 2016–17 during a period of financial crisis in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was initiated by faculty and students of ESDI, part of the Rio de Janeiro State University. Despite the resumption of some sort of "normality" in the university in 2018, the question of whether one could imagine a continuity between the ESDI Aberta initiatives and the school's regular operation becomes significant. In the conversation, Zoy Anastassakis and Marcos Martins, ESDI's co-directors from March 2016 to December 2018, as well as Lucas Nonno and Juliana Paolucci, students who participated in the movement, discuss with Jilly Traganou what was at stake from a design pedagogy perspective. But most of all, the movement proved that it is necessary for the students to take action in the school.