The enhancement of human beings through digital technologies raises the question of evaluating whether and how the latter promote the flourishing (or, vice versa, the alienation) of what is properly genuinely human. The Author argues that the human / non-human distinction is revealed in the qualities and causal properties of the social relationality where human / artefacts (like AI/robot) interactions occur. It is about evaluating whether the technological mediation of the relations between human persons, both interpersonal and organizational ones, fosters or inhibits those relational goods that realize human fulfillment. In the Digital Matrix Land, being human means to learn how to manage the relational imperative. The divide between social relationships that have intrinsically human qualities and powers and those that are human only in appearance is made difficult to trace due to the emergence of Humanted (the human augmented) and the hybridization of social relationships. But it does not disappear. It becomes a discriminating factor in the making of new social forms.