This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book articulates honest assessments of the value and limitations of new material and posthuman theories by ardently challenging the political implications of said theories in social, ecological, and virtual environments. It illustrates how Other-Oriented Rhetoric (OtOR) works in an analysis of two activist sites in the international ecofeminist organization, the Greenbelt Movement, conducted during the Spring of 2012 "Size of Wales" campaign. The book demonstrates a rhetorical praxis that connects networks and the incommensurable and infinitely-complex actors that make up those networks. It shows that OtOR provides a space for technical communicators' to start with indigenous world views and voices. The book focuses on methodologies engages user experience research as an area ripe for posthumanist consideration. It deals with workplace situations or problems that needs solving rather than a theoretical stance.