Caroline Matilda Warren was born in Waltham, Massachusetts and died in Louisiana. She came to prominence with the Gamesters, one of a series of novels exploring the effect of gambling on domestic life. After the death of her husband James Thayer, Caroline wrote under the name of "Caroline Matilda Thayer". As the production of a youth, whose education has been limited, whose opportunities have been penurious, she hopes it will be viewed with that candour, which is ever an attendant of discernment. She presents it to the public, not as the laboured production of erudition, but as the efforts of a mind rather of the contemplative turn. Of the ill-judging and censorious hypercritic, who views with the jaundiced eye of prejudice, "every product from a female pen", she has nothing to ask, confidently believing that the really learned and virtuous will approve the intention, though a want of merit should oblige them to censure the execution of the work.