This chapter discusses the experiences of the Institute of Social Management (ISM) in Bulgaria; a project funded by the United Nations Development Programme and organized by the International Labour Organisation. It began in 1983 with a three-week seminar for the forty staff of ISM. Management and organizational development has a short history in Bulgaria. The People's Republic of Bulgaria began industrializing only after World War 2. Management development needs can be defined by two groups of factors: the stage of economic and social development and the internal organizational factors, such as the organization's development, history, and culture, top management's personality and style. The audio-visual-aided group demonstrated an action maze, a presentation analysis exercise, behaviour analysis in training, interpersonal negotiation using simulations, and instructor-free training using video packages. Small-scale enterprises and joint ventures have created other organizational challenges. Bulgarian enterprises must overcome organizational boundaries and hierarchic barriers and create joint ventures to introduce new technologies.