Understanding the complex reality of how course design occurs is crucial to applying the principles that underpin designing for learning in technology-enabled contexts. Although a myriad of educational rationales and design tools are available, the process of designing for learning in a real-world course structure must also take account of diverse organisational requirements and constraints. This chapter reviews how attempts to transform the curriculum have progressed. It describes recommendations for how the field of learning design could respond to institutional imperatives for radically redesigned, technology-rich curricula. The chapter examines institutions where learning design has been part of a strategic curriculum change process. Creating Aligned Interactive Educational Research Opportunities (CAIeRO) has been a key enabler of curriculum change at the University of Northampton. In 2014, in response to a strategic initiative to introduce active blended learning across all programmes, the University increased the capacity to deliver CAIeROs, which made it possible to scale up the process and reach all subject areas.