This chapter describes the client who has mild depression with anxious distress. Carla was referred by her General Medical Practitioner (GP) for counselling for long standing anxiety and depression at the age of 36 years. At work Carla described herself as overloaded, involved in too much, dealing with many after school activities, and fielding constant and unrealistic demands from parents and teachers. The GP had conducted a risk assessment using a Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) where Carla gained a moderate score of 33. Carla was suffering anxiety and depression, deriving from long standing and situational disposing factors. The intervention applied corresponded directly to Carla's referral foci and her diagnosis of depression with anxiety. The interventions proved successful in that Carla was able to take charge of a number of changes in her daily activities and overall living circumstances. She had implemented a healthy living approach to her exercise and diet that was showing impact in her weight and self-esteem.