I Phillis, whose Heart was Unconfin’d, And free as Flow’rs on Meads and Plains, None boasted of her being Kind, ‘Mong’st all the languishing and amorous Swains. 5 No Sighs or Tears the Nymph cou’d move, To pity or return their Love. II Till on a time the hapless Maid Retir’d to shun the Heat o’th’ Day Into a Grove, beneath whose shade 10 Strephon the careless Shepherd sleeping lay: But O such Charms the Youth adorn, Love is reveng’d for all her Scorn. III Her Cheeks with Blushes cover’d were, And tender Sighs her Bosom warm, 15 A Softness in her Eyes appear; Unusual Pain she feels from ev’ry Charm: To Woods and Ecchoes now she cries, For Modesty to speak denies.