Damon. Ah Sylvia! if I still pursue, Whilst you in vain your Scorn improve; What wonders might your Eies not do: If they would dress themselves in Love. Silvia. 5 Shepherd you urge my Love in vain, For I can ne’er Reward your pain; A Slave each Smile of mine can win, And all my softning Darts, When e’er I please, can bring me in 10 A Thousand Yeilding Hearts. Damon. Yet if those Slaves you treat with Cruelty, ’Tis an Inglorious Victory; And those unhappy Swaines you so subdue, May Learn at last to scorn, as well as you; 15 Your Beauty though the Gods design’d Shou’d be Ador’d by all below; Yet if you want a Godlike Pittying Mind, Our Adoration soon will colder grow: ’Tis Pitty makes a Deity, 20 Ah Silvia! daine to pitty me, And I will worship none but thee. Sylvia. Perhaps I may your Councel take, And Pitty, tho’ not Love, for Damons sake; Love is a Flame my Heart ne’er knew, 25 Nor knows how to begin to burn for you. <target id="page_88" target-type="page">88</target>Damon. Ah Sylvia who’s the happy Swain, For whom that Glory you ordain! Has Strephon, Pithius, Hilus, more Of Youth, of Love, or Flocks a greater store? 30 My flame pursues you too, with that Address, Which they want Passion to Profess: Ah then make some Returns my Charming Shepherdess. Silvia. Too Faithful Shepherd I will try my Heart, And if I can will give you part. Damon. 35 Oh that was like your self exprest, Give me but part, and I will steal the rest. Silvia. Take care Young Swain you treat it well, If you wou’d have it in your Bosom dwell; Now let us to the Shades Retreat, 40 Where all the Nymphs and Shepherds meet. Damon. And give me there your leave my Pride to show, For having but the hopes of Conquering you; Where all the Swaines shall Passion learn of me: And all the Nymphs to bless like thee. Silvia. 45 Where every Grace I will bestow, And every Look and Smile, shall show How much above the rest I vallue you. Damon. And I those Blessings will improve; By constant Faith, and tender love. [A Chorus of Satyrs and Nymphs made by another hand.]