Lord what a House is here, how Thin ’tis grown! https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781351259484/45c6613e-e6a3-4aed-a741-cef1e870b44a/content/bra3.tif"/> As Church ‘ere Conventicling was put down: Since all the Brave are to Newmarket gone! 5 Declining States-men are abandon’d too, Who scarce a Heartless Whigg will Visit now: Who once had Crowds of Mutineers in Fashion, Fine drawn in Cullys of th’ Association: Sparks, Justices and Jurymen by Dozens, Whom his perverted late betrays and Cozens. 10 But change of Scene, having unvail’d their Cheats, Pensive State Puss alone, Majestick Sits; Purr’s on his pointless Mischiefs, tho’ in vain; Verses are all the Darlings of his Brain. 15 So we who having Plotted long to please, With new Parts, new Cloathes, new Face, new Dress; To draw in all the yielding Hearts o’th’ Town, His Highness comes and all our Hopes are gone. Ah Fickle Youth, what lasting Joys have we, https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781351259484/45c6613e-e6a3-4aed-a741-cef1e870b44a/content/bra3.tif"/> When Beauty thus is left for Loyalty; 20 I would to Heaven ye had been all Whiggs for me: Whilst Honest Tory Fools abroad do Roame, Whigg Lovers S[t]ay and Plot, and Love at Home. Nay one Advantage greater far than this, The Party helps to keep their Mistresses. 25 The Devils i[n]’t if I’m not Fine and Vain, Whom publick Bank Contribute to Maintain.