The Dzehkabtun Archaeological Project was dedicated to the investigation of socio-cultural changes towards the end of the Classic Period in the central area of the Yucatan peninsula. The archaeological site of Dzehkabtun is located in the State of Campeche, Mexico, in the area of a former cattle hacienda, about eight kilometers southwest of the present town of Hopelchen. Beginning in the Late Classic, if not earlier, Dzehkabtun obtained raw materials and luxury goods by participating in interregional exchange networks. During the 19th and 20th centuries, central Dzehkabtun was affected to the point of destruction by the continuous removal of stones from the ancient buildings. Postclassic materials have been found only in isolated deposits, and people have no evidence of permanent settlement at Dzehkabtun at that time. The individual is an adult of undetermined sex. An adult individual of undetermined sex was found in this burial. Its teeth exhibit moderate dental calculus and caries.