Facilities building efficiency-expert environmental management systems (EMSs) emphasised an internal focus on efficiency rather than stakeholder inclusion. In building their EMSs, efficiency experts took advantage of internal environmental management capabilities and their long-standing experience in implementing environmental management techniques. Businesses began using EMSs in the late 1980s to help them: complying with regulations; developing data for permit applications; identifying, minimising and managing environmental risks; and achieving higher levels of environmental performance. In 1996, the Multi-State Working Group was formed to examine the impact of EMSs on environmental performance. Most middle roaders' environmental management programmes consisted of pollution prevention planning or waste minimisation techniques before building their EMSs. Efficiency experts designed EMSs incorporating systems and procedures to increase the eco-efficiency of production processes. Visionary facilities designed EMSs to achieve product stewardship and environmental sustainability goals. Middle-roader facilities possessed little experience in environmental management before designing their EMS.