In the 20th century, the human race encountered three major problems of great difficulty. First is the East–West problem of ideological disparity, which we have seen resolved; second is the wealth–poverty gap between North and South, for which we have not yet found a solution; and the third involves the Earth’s environment. While the first two problems should be resolved for the sake of people trying to co-exist in harmony and enjoy mutual prosperity with other people, the third should be resolved for the sake of people trying to co-exist in harmony with the Earth and nature. Unfortunately, the will of the Earth is not being reflected in our society. This is because, until recently, humans have not even been aware of the existence of anything other than themselves with which they should try to co-exist. The Earth does not openly make its own intentions known. Therefore, we who have an involvement with the environment need to be conscious of this and to express consideration toward the environment in our actions, in other words, to ‘internalise’ the environment.