The Maldives' first fully solar-powered resort launched in January 2015, with 6.5 km2 of solar panels capable of producing 1,100 kW at peak. Maldivian reefs are the world's seventh largest. While robust and aesthetically quaint, mining for coral chunks increases surrounding water depth, reducing tide protection against erosion. Reefscapers has combined coral propagation with a sponsorship programme to provide new habitats for marine life by increasing coral cover. By creating a literal sense of ownership, the target is that sponsors will not support activities contributing to degradation of their $150–500 "investment". Investors can monitor their coral frames' development online, receiving biannual photographic updates. Marine biologists also educate local and international visitors about the extreme pressures corals face and their drastic decline. In 2014, Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme (MWSRP) became self-sufficient, thanks in part to visitors who pay for their volunteer research experience. It hosts month-long internships for Maldives National University students, and offers six-month apprenticeships for young Maldivians.