I was seven years old and I told my mom: 'When I grow up, I will live in Bariloche'. Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, my family and I had been skiing in Bariloche (main gateway to North Patagonia) every year since I was three. The project at Peuma Hue has its roots way back in my childhood—or even before? Nature in general and particularly mountains have always been a strong pull in my life; and I understand my grandfather, who sadly passed away before I was born, shared the same passion. In my free art classes at school, all I could draw was a place exactly like Peuma Hue, When I was 17—by then already going on my own to the mountains when I had some free time—I was doing well in my last year at high school, so I asked my mom if she would allow me to stay in the mountains and quit school for some weeks. I just couldn't 136return! I stayed more than a month and when back at school, couldn't think about anything other than the creeks and mountains, forest and waterfalls. When I turned 21, I graduated in psychology and finally moved to Bariloche. I started my practice as a psychotherapist; I was finally living where my heart belonged.