Social science journals are no longer filled with serious references to Sigmund Freud, and use of Jung, Roheim, Reich, Rank, Fenichel, even Fromm remains negligible. False Consciousness describes a new intellecrual orbit, as robust and variegated as any put forth in recent decades, whether in psychiatry, social-psychology, or sociology. During the 1920s Marxists assayed the use to be made of psychoanalytic doctrine, an effort which reached its apogee with Reich’s “Sex-Pol” essays. Ludwig Binswanger's psychopathological theory is part of a master project involving a "phenomenology of love". Binswanger is unique in dispensing entirely with organogenetic theories of schizophrenia and pursuing instead a pure “sociologism,” perfectly compatible with Joseph Gabel’s Marxism. Between 1939 and 1962 Gabel developed a nonsuperficial “sociologism” that explains schizophrenia, without recourse to a fictional philosophical anthropology, nor to dogmatism of the diamat variety.