The Six Day War and its results had a startling impact on Israeli society. The Six Day War reestablished the primacy of the land and the people of Israel over the Israeli state. The Six Day War seemed to be the pivotal moment in the path that led from Israeliness to Jewishness. The confrontation with the Land of Israel was perhaps even more obvious and possibly no less significant than the rediscovery of Jewishness. Gush Emunim's unique belief system remains within the traditional boundaries that employ the old concepts of religious Judaism, yet implants with them an explosive dialectic. Paradox lies at the very source of the mystic messianism of Gush Emunim. The radical reinterpretation of Judaism along quasi-kabbalistic lines in the light of 1967 was based on an authentic religious experience. The sudden opportunity to consummate Judaism's history through messianism held within it the seeds of antinomianism, placing Redemption the Law—originally constructed for exilic conditions.