In reviewing the natural history of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) use, one is impressed with the rapid expansion of the size of the group which has taken the drug. The LSD accepters discussed problems which they felt to be their own fault, problems inside. The LSD accepters are more self-preoccupied, self-punitive, and introverted. In the control group the opportunities for experimental use of LSD took place comparatively more often in the past, between 1950 and 1959. One of the outstanding features of LSD use is the frequency with which those who have tried it report that it has worked beneficial changes. LSD accepters, more inner focused, contemplative, or benign, are less likely to be caught up in work and goals, are removed from the fray, and report as one benefit considerable tension reduction. The foregoing table shows that the majority of LSD accepters and controls are highly educated, white, Protestant, and Anglo-Saxon.