In this article I describe an association with John Hicks and his wife Ursula that began during the Second World War and lasted until his death in 1989. I first wrote expressing a wish to do post-graduate work under him, and he encouraged me to come to Oxford for that purpose after the war. In 1947 I joined him at Nuffield College, before it had its own permanent buildings and when there was an exciting atmosphere of academic pioneering. My two years there resulted in a friendship which gave me introductions to British and foreign economists, and warm hospitality at Porch House, their Cotswold home. They also resulted in D Phil and the publication of a book based on my thesis. After my return to Auckland I kept in touch by correspondence and by two visits to England in 1958 and 1966-67, and arranged academic hospitality for them at Sydney during their visit to Australia in 1976. When I retired in 1980, I paid further visits to England, during which I received more hospitality at Porch House. In all these ways I came to form a long and rewarding friendhsip with John and Ursula, from whom I received much kindness, intellectual benefit and professional help. I was, of course, only one of many who could express deep indebtedness to these two remarkable people, but my account may convey something of what they meant to those fortunate enough to know them well.