The four fields in which executives work are private business, labor organizations, government agencies, and academic administration apart from the professoriate. This chapter deals with men and women who make their contribution and achieve their rewards through organizations in these four fields. It divides into the following sections: Common Elements Among Executives in Four Fields; Distinctive Elements Among Executives in Four Fields; Changing Characteristics of Executives in Four Fields; and Some Degree of Convergence. The chapter approaches executives across these four fields, irrespective of the differing situations that they faced, have the responsibility and need of understanding the changing external environment and its impact on the organization. In labor organizations the internal politics and the public law-the duty of fair representation-place the emphasis on equity at the far end of the efficiency-equity spectrum. One of the factors contributing to a degree of convergence among executives is the systematic development of multifaceted careers, particularly between the private sector and government.