The Austro-Hungarian Foreign Office in the beautiful palais known as “Ballhausplatz”, was, as a result of the “Ausgleich” with Hungary of 1867, a “common affair” of both Austria and Hungary. After Dr. Victor Adler's death, Bauer succeeded him on 21 November 1918 at the helm of diplomacy of the new Republic of Austria. As of 20 November 1920, the Austrian Federal Government was made up of federal ministers and no longer of state secretaries; Federal Chancellor Mayr (II) and his successor Dr. Johann Schober themselves took the helm of the Foreign Ministry. Karl Gruber “ministry” was nothing but the division IV “foreign affairs” in the federal chancellery. In 1948 three diplomats started drafting a “Manual for the Austrian Foreign Service”. In 1950, Austria’s foreign service registered its first diplomat killed abroad in service—secretary of legation Dr. Karl Pereira, chargé d’affaires in New Delhi, was killed in a plane crash near Srinagar on 17 July.