The largest program, mental health services, provided grants to support community mental health centers. The other four programs suported activities with two related goals: the prevention of drug abuse and alcoholism and the rehabilitation of drug abusers and alcoholics. The grants to mental health centers included separate grants for planning community mental health center programs, initial operations of mental health centers, consultation and education services, and programs in financial distress. The Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) had established specific application and expenditure guidelines for each type of grant. In fiscal year 1982, states must spend the same overall proportions of the block grant funds on mental health, drug abuse, and alcohol services as under fiscal year 1981 mental health and fiscal year 1980 drug and alcohol categorical programs. The 97th Congress made larger cuts in the alcohol and drug abuse block grant than in any other health block grant.