A dilemma which is often written about and discussed, and presents itself to every type of social revolutionary, is: Whether, to improve the quality of life, you attempt to change the social structure and wait for public awareness to adapt to the new context. The counter-culture and underground are stressing self exploration, with its ecstasies and insights, through art, drugs, sex and music, which is seen as the preliminary to a time when a "new consciousness" has tasted so much freedom that it will demand the overthrow of a repressive social order. The majority of counter-culture rebels find themselves in conflict with a jarringly repressive society which can't, at this stage in its development, give them the ease they are seeking. When somebody talks about sex being "as natural and pleasurable a function as eating", they are talking of a utopia in which every requirement of the body, including those at present ignored by a hypocritical society.