This chapter provides a brief historical background and a description of major events in Monaco. It also provides basic political, economic, and social data arranged in the following categories: polity, economy, population, purchasing power parities, life expectancy, ethnic groups, capital, political rights, civil liberties, and status. The chapter discusses the progress and decline of political rights and civil liberties in Monaco. The Principality of Monaco is an independent and sovereign state and has been a full member of the United Nations since 1993. It is closely associated with neighboring France, whose currency, the franc, is the legal tender in Monaco. Citizens of Monaco may change national council and their municipal councils democratically. The council members are elected for five years by direct universal suffrage and a system of proportional representation. Roman Catholicism is the state religion in Monaco, but adherents of other faiths may practice freely. The government does not, however, permit religious groups that are considered "sects" to operate.