The most meaningful features of Russia's twentieth-century history are probably the two social experiments—the Socialist and Capitalist ones —staged in Russia between 1917-1991 and beginning in 1992, respectively. This chapter focuses on the analysis of specific features of both experiments, including those that prevented the achievement of the experiments' end purposes: to establish a Socialist system in Russia in the first case and Liberal Capitalism in the second case. An enormous amount of historical experience has accumulated during the course of these experiments. Russian history has witnessed social experiments of varying scopes: some were "macro-experiments" that encompassed the entire country, others were "micro-experiments" staged in separate industries, and regions. The chapter discusses that socioeconomic model taking shape in Russia since Mr. Putin was elected for presidency. The social system erected in the U.S.S.R. formed a set of unique socioeconomic features in the context of world civilization, which created a special social community.