This chapter examines the role media play in facilitating both celebratory themes and conflicting narratives, and assess the potential for these mediated stories to improve the future for gay athletes—and those outside of sport—thus building a more inclusive culture. In 2013, when professional basketball player Jason Collins came out as gay in major news and sports media, it was an international sports and celebrity story. Both Collins’ and Sam’s coming out stories were told through carefully orchestrated strategic media and public relations plans. Among mainstream sport and news media, there was little question about whether such announcements should be framed positively; the majority of stories were both congratulatory and celebratory, hailing the athletes as courageous trailblazers. The stories of Jason Collins and Michael Sam became a part of national narratives about gay rights even for non-sports fans. Jason Collins’ story took place over the course of several months whereas Michael Sam’s unfolded more quickly.