To be successful as a faculty chair one must understand the federal mandates addressing nondiscrimination, sexual harassment,

disability, and student privacy rights and your campus” policies that implement these mandates. If a university receives federal funding, and all do when they receive federal student fi nancial aid, then there must be compliance with these mandates. Each university must designate a compliance offi cer to provide information and training regarding these mandates. The compliance offi cer is typically assigned to the president’s offi ce or the university legal counsel. In this chapter, several legal guidelines for each of the federal mandates are briefl y described and followed by some bulleted information about compliance issues regarding the mandate that you need to be aware of as department chair. This information is to make you more aware of the guidelines and to help you in your role as department administrator. It is not intended to substitute for the advisement of your own campus compliance offi cer or legal counsel.