This chapter provides a brief biographical sketch of Professor Hermann Ebbinghaus and turn over the podium to the spirit of the guest of honor. It also provides a more objective assessment of the contributions of the guest than his modesty will permit. Ebbinghaus' pioneering work On Memory was, of course, a milestone in the progress of psychological science because it demonstrated that higher mental processes can be measured and studied experimentally. Professor Mandler pointed out that Professor Ebbinghaus' work demonstrated that human memory could be studied in the laboratory. Ebbinghaus also made a number of other theoretical, empirical, and methodological contributions to psychology that deserves mention. Finally, Ebbinghaus has enriched the bag of experimental tricks, by inventing a number of methodological innovations that have furthered later research. Finally, the book On Memory represents an exercise in conceptualization and implementation in science that continues to serve as a model for scientific research.