The first meeting of the Network Faculty Development Committee (NFDC) took place from Friday, October 14, 1988 through Sunday, October 16, at the Network office in Boston. The initial members of the NFDC in addition to Catherine and Diane were Marie Albert, Jodie Galosy, Marian Decker, Betty Lies, and Inga Parsons. Diane and Catherine hoped that in surfacing both of those the NFDC members would recognize the tension that they would continually feel as they tried to do the work. Both the sharing of the stories and the articulation of the think tank's mandate for the NFDC would take place on Friday. The NFDC almost immediately started to include other teachers in their work of preparing for the faculty institute and the journal. The most salient stakeholder relationships, however, were with the Network Director and the school committee. The school committee was also prominent in the NFDC members' experience.