The Network Faculty Development Committee (NFDC) welcomed their two new members, Barbara Mooney and Monica Moore, who were replacing Carole Holtmann and Dorothee Riederer. Catherine raised a concern about the school heads needing to approve people the NFDC wanted to appoint as contact people, but Nancy thought those issues were passe because of the Minneapolis institute. Catherine reported on the Network Journal of Education (NJE). She talked with Dorothee, who remained editor of the NJE after completing her term on the NFDC. There were several issues about the NJE the NFDC would need to consider, such as whether there should be an NFDC member on the NJE board, and the fact that the journal editorial board did not know how much money they would be getting for the year. Sheila said part of the problem was that Nancy had given the information about funding to her, but she had not realized she was supposed to tell the NJE board.