Modern life for young women in Adcult is like living next to a death camp. Much of modern feminism indicates that many young women were paying too much attention in college. When feminism was finally liberating women from the men who hold them back by providing economic independence, sexual freedom, career opportunities, and reproductive control, male-dominated culture fought back through its manipulation of the cosmetic, medical, media, and especially advertising worlds to enforce the draconian 'beauty myth'. Again what commercial language does here with gender is exactly what all organizing systems do: it externalizes deep, culture-specific, occasionally even biologic, concerns and ties them to specific physical goods. In so doing Adcult behaves far more like a religion, gaining power as it colonizes distant aspects of life, making them part of a coherent pattern, than like an oppressive dictatorship forcing innocent and helpless consumers to give up their better judgment in order to aggrandize some evil mercantile power.