Developing educational ICT (software also tagged as e-learning, computerbased training, courseware, interactive learning, [intelligent] computeraided instruction, distance learning, Web-based learning, and more; see Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [IEEE], 2002) that delivers education to learners is complex. This complexity has two main causes. First, educational ICT applications are a special category of professional software. Most software applications support users in performing a particular task. Educational ICT has a different focus, because the effect of the task is not on the outside world, but rather settles inside the user. E-learning applications are deployed for learning or learning support, so the effect is on the knowledge or cognitive skills of the user. Second, educational ICT contains a lot of data (educational content), often of a multimedia nature. Creating this data is time intensive and requires a high level of domain knowledge. But this is not the only complexity, which I discuss next.