A total adherence score is calculated by adding all values, with higher scores indicating better regimen adherence. Additionally, this measure shows good validity, as correlations between the SCAI and glycaemic control. Good internal consistency for this measure has been reported in the range of 0.78-0.80. All items are added to produce a total adherence score, with higher scores indicating better self-management behaviours. The semi-structured interview covers 13 aspects of diabetes regimen adherence over the preceding 24-hour period. Factor analysis with this method has identified four regimen factors: This method uses a reference point of an ideal regimen of behaviours for children with diabetes. Electronic methods have also been used to assess physical activity. Parental involvement in BG monitoring was significantly correlated with adherence to BG monitoring, and frequency of BG monitoring was in turn associated with gamma-hydroxybutyrate. However, the major limitation of physician rating of patient compliance is knowledge of prior adherence, glycaemic control, thereby introducing bias into such ratings.